

Welcome to :star2: magicdesign :star2:!

MAGIC (Multiparental Advanced Generation Inter-Cross) is a highly recombined population of multiple founders. MAGIC population is a versatile genetic resource for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, fine-mapping, GxE dissection, genomic prediction, breeding and many more. Please check this out for an in-depth review of MAGIC.

magicdesign is an R package devoted to creating and testing MAGIC population designs via simulations. Click here for detailed instructions on installation and usage. Due to a recent change in github username, the vignette has not been updated to reflect the change. Please use the new installation link instead:

old: devtools::install_github("cjyang-sruc/magicdesign")
new: devtools::install_github("cjyang-work/magicdesign")

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. How to use magicdesign?

First, make sure you have devtools installed in R. Skip this if you already have devtools.


Next, install magicdesign.


If the installation is successful, run the following:


Detailed user instructions can be found here.

2. Which functions in magicdesign do I need?
  • magic.eval: create a MAGIC population design and simulate the population.
  • magic.summary: tabulate the information of all designs.
  • magic.plot: plot the distributions of recombinant haplotypes and founder genomes from all designs.
  • magic.ped2plot: plot the pedigree of a MAGIC population design.

3. I have an issue!

Please report the issue with error codes to

4. How do I create a MAGIC population with full design? mpop <- magic.eval(m=8, m=45, reps=c(1,1,2), self=c(0,0,4), balanced=T)
5. How do I create a MAGIC population with partial balanced design? mpop <- magic.eval(m=8, m=1, reps=c(1,1,10), self=c(0,0,4), balanced=T)
6. How do I create a MAGIC population with partial unbalanced design? mpop <- magic.eval(m=8, m=7, reps=c(1,1,10), self=c(0,0,4), balanced=F)
7. How do I create a MAGIC population with basic design? mpop <- magic.eval(m=8, m=0, reps=c(1,4,20), self=c(0,0,4))
8. How do I create a MAGIC population with custom design?

cped <- cbind(1:106, c(rep(0,4), 1, 3, rep(5,100)), c(rep(0,4), 2, 4, rep(6,100)), c(rep(0,4), rep(1,2), rep(2,100)))

mpop <- magic.eval(ped=cped)

9. Which R version do I need?

magicdesign is built in R version 4.0.3 and it should work with any newer version of R. I have not tested magicdesign in older versions so it may or may not work in older R versions.

10. Which are the supported platforms?

magicdesign is built in Windows, but it should work in Mac or Linux.

11. What are the computer requirements?

Nothing specific, but a fast processor (>2 GHz) with decent amount of RAM (>4 Gb) would be nice. magicdesign itself does not require more than one processor core, but I am not sure if its dependency AlphaSimR uses multiple cores.

Contact us

You can reach me at for any question or suggestion.


Yang CJ, Edmondson RN, Piepho H-P, Powell W & Mackay I (2021) Crafting for a better MAGIC: systematic design and test for multiparental advanced generation inter-cross population. G3 11: jkab295. [Link]

Updated on April 11, 2022